” The lecture talks about _______ .
This lecturer has provided a lot of useful information. / The speaker argues this with supporting details. According to the speaker, _______ .
And the speaker has also mentioned that _______.
The speaker has also given an example of _______ .
In addition, he also gives information about ________.
According to him, ________.
And ________.
In conclusion, this lecture is very informative. ”

The lecture talks about changes in air pollution
This lecture has provided a lot of useful information.
According to the speaker, air pollution was visible with smogs.
And the speaker has also mentioned that the main source of air pollution was factories.
The speaker has also given an example of smog in London which caused 4000 deaths.
In addition, he also gives information about Clean Air Act.
According to him, now is invisible.
And the source is cars and lorries.
In conclusion, this lecture is very informative.
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