23 Ways to Say “NICE TO MEET YOU” in English
Nice to Meet You! Learn different ways to say “Nice to Meet You” in English with ESL image to improve your English speaking skill. Learn more useful English greetings with 30 ways to say Hello.…
IELTS Speaking Tips
A lot of candidates who take IELTS Speaking test find this section the hardest one because it involves face-to-face communication. But in fact, IELTS Speaking is the easiest section of IELTS to improve your score. You may…
Sample IELTS Speaking Topics
Part 1 of the IELTS Speaking Module consists of personal questions about you, your family, your work, your education or other familiar topics. A categorized list of such topics and questions is given below. YOUDescribe…
English Conversation and Modes of Address
أول وأهم Post في كورس English Conversation اننا نعرف طرق توجيه الحديث والألقاب أثناء التحدث بالانجليزيه
.وده بنسميها في الـ English الـ ” Modes of Address ” طرق توجيه الحديث
especially as a form of address .هنشرحها ببساطه…