Speaking: 1.3 Repeat sentence

Speaking- PTE Repeat sentence

Speaking: 1.3 Repeat sentence

  • Task : After listening to a recording of a sentence, repeat the sentence.
  • Skills assessed : Listening and speaking.
  • Prompt length : 3-9 seconds.
  • Time to answer : 15 seconds
PTE Academic Speaking: Repeat sentence

Test Format
In this section, the test takers listen to a sentence on audio tape and as it ends, they have to repeat the sentence, they heard, before the microphone. The audio is played once and cannot be repeated. When the test taker repeats the sentence, it is recorded.

This section of PTE Academic tests the candidate’s ability to comprehend a spoken text and repeat it in correct word sequence. Thus it evaluates their listening capability. The more clearly you understand the audio and understand phrases the more correctly you can say it again.

For this item type you need to repeat the sentence you hear.

The audio begins to plays automatically. When the audio finishes, the microphone opens and the recording status box shows “Recording”. Speak into the microphone immediately (there is no short tone) and repeat exactly what you heard.

You should speak clearly. There is no need to rush.

Finish speaking before the progress bar reaches the end. The word “Recording” changes to “Completed”.

You are not able to replay the audio. You are only able to record your response once.

PTE Academic Speaking – Repeat sentence Test tips

1- Listen to the phrasing of the sentence as it is read aloud

You will be scored on the correct word sequences that you produce for this item type, so the more phrases you understand, the better your reproduction of the sentence will be. For example, there are three phrases in this sentence, separated by /, and each one carries a separate message that has its own meaning:

Listen to the phrasing of the sentence as it is read aloud

2- Copy the stress and intonation patterns of the sentence you hear

Make a mental note of the way the speaker uses stress and intonation on the recording. These patterns help to convey the meaning. Speak calmly and clearly, copying this stress and intonation. For example, look at the pattern in the example: the stressed words or syllables are underlined, and the falling intonation is marked by down  arrows:

How this question is scored
Your score on Repeat Sentence is based on three factors:

Content: Does your response include all the words in the sentence, and only these words?

Content is scored by counting the number of correct word sequences in your response. Having almost nothing from the prompt in your response will negatively affect your score.

Oral fluency: Does your response demonstrate a smooth, effortless and natural rate of Speech?

Oral fluency is scored by determining if your rhythm, phrasing and stress are smooth. The best responses are spoken at a constant and natural rate of speech with appropriate phrasing. Hesitations, repetitions and false starts will negatively affect your score.

Pronunciation: Does your response demonstrate your ability to produce speech sounds in a similar way to most regular speakers of the language?

Pronunciation is scored by determining if your speech is easily understandable to most regular speakers of the language. The best responses contain vowels and consonants pronounced in a native-like way, as well as words and phrases stressed correctly. Responses should also be immediately understandable to a regular speaker of the language.

PTE Academic recognizes regional and national varieties of English pronunciation to the degree that they are understandable to most regular speakers of the language.

Note :

  • Partial credit scoring applies to Repeat Sentence. No credit is given for no response or an irrelevant response. This question type affects the scoring of the following: listening, speaking, oral fluency and pronunciation.
  • Your writing skills are not tested by this question type, and your reading skills are only used to read the instructions.
  • For more information download the Score Guide.
How this question Repeat sentence is scored

Useful Tips
– Speak clearly : Speak as clearly as you can. Mixed up words, phrases and sentences will bring no credit to you.

– Do not make hurry : It may result in losing your marks. The best way is to repeat the sentence calmly distinctly pronouncing the words and phrases, following the real pattern of words order.

– Be careful about intonation patterns, pauses & stress :
If you listen to the audio with concentration, you can understand what pauses, stresses and intonation pattern, the speaker has followed. This keen observation will prove greatly helpful for you to copy the sentence.

– Pronounce phrases separately :
If there is a sentence, ‘Next, week’s tutorial, on Tuesday, has been cancelled.’ It should be spoken with three distinct pauses, clearly indicating all the phrases used in it e.g. ‘Next, week’s tutorial/ on Tuesday/ has been cancelled.’

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